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What is the Moonshot Club?

Tap into the ancestral system of using the moon's phases as a repeatable process for creating a success mission to build your dream life while avoiding a burnout strategy.

What if there was a way where you could :

  • stop putting off your goals 
  • stop wishing for a better situation
  • get guidance to break free from overwhelm
  • take charge and create the life you've been dreaming of

Don't let your dreams end when you wake up.

Don't let not knowing what to do stop you from getting the tools to move forward.

Join us so we can help you to create YOUR action plan to reach for the moon!

WE are here to help!

  • We won't abandon you when you are struggling
  • We're a team, we'll work together to support each other along the way.
  • Sharing strategies and tools
  • Opportunity for varied perspectives
  • Hacks and tips to achieving more, faster.

We can support each other, learn from each other’s experiences, and celebrate our wins together.

Is Moonshot Club for you?

  • Are YOU ready to move forward on your dreams?
  • Do YOU want to take your desires from the back burner to the front and make something happen?
  • Do YOU have a connection with the moon and want to use its energies to propel you forward?
  • Do YOU want to take action and is ready to challenge your belief systems to create a life you love?
  • Are YOU someone who achieves more with a repeatable process?
  • Do YOU want the support of others who are reaching for their dreams and working through their challenges?
  • Do YOU want to work together with a certified life coach for guidance?

help with goals using the moon

How will this happen

First you would identify your moonshot (goal), then create a plan to achieve it in four-week, bite-sized, pieces following the phases of the moon.

How do I make my plan?

We have a course ready just for you. Access your course, at your convenience, to create your moonshot then break it down into an actionable plan that works for YOU.

We will meet with you weekly, using the phases of the moon to guide you, help keep you on track, and support you along the way.

During our weekly meet up, we will have live coaching to overcome obstacles or barriers you might be facing. Or work with you to help you achieve your plan faster.


We have the support of other people just like you in our community, not to mention access to e-coaching (digital coaching you can access 24/7) and a growing library of tools.

Whether your dream is big or small:

It is valid. It is possible.

You deserve this opportunity.

Choose a pricing plan

Seasonal Package

every 3 months
The seasonal package includes all the features currently and anything we add for the lifetime of your subscription. It will renew every 3 months at this price.

Annual Package

per year
This package includes everything in the Moonshot Club and will be paid on an annual subscription. So long as you keep your subscription, it will renew at this price.

Lifetime Access

If you would like lifetime access to the Moonshot Club, you will receive everything included currently and anything we add going forward for a one-time fee and your access will NEVER expire.

What's Inside